A few words from Seamus O’Kane on his recent visit to BCVA congress…
” On 20th October I had the pleasure of attending the dinner, in Southport, to celebrate 50 years of BCVA.
The outgoing President, Andrew Cobner, spoke of the work his predecessors had done to get the Association to the position it currently holds in the conference hierarchy and asked us to stand for a minute’s reflection in tribute to the deceased Past Presidents. He proudly informed us that nearly £40,000 had been raised for Send A Cow during the year by means of cycle rides, raffles and other fund raising eventsThe night continued with food, drink, lots of conversation and entertainment provided by the “Mutt’s Nuts”, a group of vets with a musical bent.
There was plenty of bling on show, as is evident, and AVSPNI demonstrated that it can sit comfortably at any top table.”