Representing all vets in the North of Ireland
Click here for the latest news from NIVA [The North of Ireland Veterinary Association]
Click here for revised NIVA rules as approved by the membership at an EGM on 9th February 2022
Due to a vacant Treasurer’s position, NIVA’s president, Sharon Verner, has called for an EGM and the secretary, Mark Little, has received the sufficient support from NIVA Council to allow it to proceed.
The purpose of the EGM is for ratification of rule changes as follows:
- Rule change
- To point 18
- 18. Elections Election of Executive Officers, Councillors and Honorary Affiliates shall take place at the annual general meeting. Vacant posts shall be advertised on the Association’s webpage of the VetNI website no later than four weeks before the annual general meeting and in the notice convening the annual general meeting. All nominations shall be in writing and must be with the Secretary not less than two days prior to the annual general meeting. All of the above elections to take place by ballot. Members of Council will ordinarily serve for a maximum 3 years in any one post following their election and are then ineligible for re-election to the same post until one year has passed. Ratification of Council recommendations for honorary memberships shall also take place at the annual general meeting.
- Add 18.1 – If an officer resigns from a current role throughout the membership year, the President and council team have the right to reinstate another person to fulfil this role before the next AGM.
- Council officers – add a Deputy Treasurer to the current list of 6 officers
- Amendment to point (Viii) in the council team to read Vet NI board representatives
- Extend the general council members to 10 instead of 9.
2. Election to any vacant posts as appropriate.
The EGM will be held at the T3 conference centre, House of Vic-Ryn, Moira at 3.30pm on Wednesday 25th September (tea and coffee will be served at afterwards at 4.00pm)
NIVA Council would be very grateful for as many members as possible to attend, either in person or online, as we need 15 members to ratify the change.
NIVA Council has an open vacancy for a Treasurer and actively welcomes and encourages interested persons to apply for this very engaging and rewarding role within Council.
This is a great opportunity to become involved in the association and to uphold a privileged position within the NIVA Officer team.
Please contact NIVA’s Honorary Secretary, Dr Mark Little, for more information or to apply via email: [email protected]
The “job” description………
The Treasurer shall, with the support of the Secretariat, receive and pay all monies on behalf of the Association, shall keep the accounts in a manner required for compliance with company law, and shall submit the accounts together with such vouchers as may be required, to the auditor not later than the 31st of January in each year, and shall subsequently present the audited accounts to the members at the annual general meeting.
NIVA also requests any expressions of interest for a Deputy Treasurer’s post, should such a role be approved at the EGM.
Events 2024
Officers and Council 2024
NIVA members wishing to contact NIVA Council members should e-mail [email protected] and we will pass on contact details.
General enquiries for NIVA from anyone other than a current NIVA member should also be directed through the secretariat on [email protected]
Executive Officers:
President: Sharon Verner
Senior Vice President: Esther Skelly-Smith
Junior Vice President: Kirsten Dunbar
Secretary: Mark Little
Treasurer: Patricia van Veen
Public Relations Team:
Press Officer: Susan Cunningham
Deputy Press Officer: Fiona McFarland
Council members:
- Roisin Dickinson
- Aoife Ferris
- Orla McAlister
- Louise O’Hare
- Michael Pratt
- Quirine Tettelar
- Sean Wensley
- Lara Wilson
Representatives on Council:
AVSPNI Representative: Seamus O’Kane
Young Vet Network Representative: Rachel Davies
VetNI Board Representative: Aurelie Moralis & Seamus O’Kane
Ex officio positions:
DAERA CVO: Brian Dooher
VetNI: Jo Gibson/Joleen Little
BVA Policy Committee: David Torrens
BVA Regional Representative: Joleen Little
NIVA Membership Information
At the AGM on 22nd February, 2024, members ratified the following annual subscription rates:
Full membership – £144
Concessionary rates – £80
Senior member and Young member <8 years qualified
NIVA holds at least 4 meetings per year and a number of social events including the senior members’ lunch.
NIVA is the original territorial division of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) and works closely with the BVA Northern Ireland Branch to ensure the BVA represents the views of the profession here in the north when lobbying legislators and policy makers in London and Brussels.
Locally, NIVA champions veterinary causes with our own Assembly and endeavours to ensure that agri-food policy and other animal health and welfare policy issues are in line with veterinary science.
Young Vet Network NI (YVN NI) is an integral and thriving part of NIVA. As well as connecting and supporting recently graduated vets via Facebook, they provide a number of highly popular CPD events each year. You can link up with them HERE.
If you are interested in becoming a member of NIVA you can apply using the Data Capture Form.
Once you have submitted the form we will contact you by e-mail to process your application.
To Nominate a new NIVA Council member or Officer . . .
Click here to download Nomination Form for new NIVA Council members
OR complete the online form accessed HERE.