Stepping forward to judge his second fete class is renowned Irish artist Trevor Brown. What a difficult class to judge! It attracted the second highest number of entries including pottery, drawing, photography, flower arranging, crochet, book art and needle felting. Well done Trevor – how ever did you choose your winners from such a varied array of creativity?!
Trevor says: “In third place, Entry 8 – ‘Needle felted mice gathering provisions for miceolation!’ – So many little details and you can see the amount of work that has gone into this scene.
In second place, Entry 11 – Photography. – Most photographs are happy accidents but you can feel Spring from this photo. The lamb looks content and happy in it’s new world.
And the winner is Entry 9 – ‘A pin cushion, hand thrown pot, pit fired to colour using plants from my garden then needle felted scene.’ – The colours are beautiful and the glazes work really well on this piece. You can see it is made by hand and suits its purpose well.”
So . . . in third place, Eve Young

In second place, Rhonda Shiels

In first place, Eve Young

Congratulations to ALL entrants – we knew you were great vets but you kept your artistic talents hidden from us until now!